Our Commitment to Safety

Everything begins and ends with safety. At QRC, we take seriously our pledge to provide the safest possible on-site work environment. We go to great lengths to ensure that we adhere to federal, state and local safety regulations and that our associates are regularly trained on current safety policies and procedures.

A proactive safety program with commitment and participation from all enables us to maintain our strong track record of injury free days.

Safety at Quality Roofing Contractors

Financial Stability

In keeping with our outstanding safety and service record, QRC’s rigorous business practices help us maintain a strong financial standing.

Dun & Bradstreet

  • DUNS# 09-671-9448
  • Current Rating: 3A1
  • Incorporated: 1980
  • Financial Condition: Strong
  • Trend: Up
  • Banking: First National Bank
  • Paydex Score: 80 of schedule

Experience Modification Rate (EMR) .59


  • $20 million on a single project


  • $10 million minimum

QRC holds the prestigious Unlimited or No Dollar Limit (NDL) Warranty coverage extended by the Roofing Manufacturing Community.

These are just a few of the organizations that we are certified and approved for within the industrial and commercial roofing industry.